
Showing posts from April, 2018

Big boys

I can’t get over how old jack seems/looks lately. Today was no exception. He’s making short sentences now and can say most of the words as he’s signing them. Today we were at an indoor play area and he basically signed all done and said “go home.” I said you want to go home? You don’t want to play anymore? And he said yes. This has never happened before! There were trucks galore and a bounce house... shocked he was ready to leave. Jack is learning that sharing is important and really difficult! He brought some trucks around with him today and kids were really into them... he was so taken back when they tried to take them. He was not having it. We’ll work on it!  Jack sat down on the sidewalk and looked up at me and said “mama” and patted the ground next to him. Obviously I sat down next to him. 

Neighborhood friends

Somehow this picture was taken of all 5 kiddos! 

Cars, cars, cars

We had a great day. We went to a play date at a friends house then I worked out, we napped, ate a late lunch then went to a consignment shop. Jack needs 2T summer clothes. I found a couple shirts and some shorts which were relatively inexpensive. Oh, and the best $3 I’ve ever spent... on some matchbox cars. They came in a plastic bag and he loved carrying them around. We went to a thrift store afterwards and he would take the cars out one by one and place each one in a dog bowl that were on a shelf for sale. Then he would pour the cars from each dog bowl into a frying pan. Then he would clap. It was so methodical, you could tell he really was thinking about the placement of each car. Then he lined them up perfectly on the window sill outside of five guys for like 15 minutes. He would line them up and make sure they were perfectly straight. Then he’d take the first one and drive it along the sill to a new location and so on. He was so fun to watch. He tried to hold all 5 in one hand and...

12 weeks

Charlie is 12 weeks old today! Such a sweet and smiley boy! We have forced him to go with the flow and he does quite well with it. Last night was a terrible nights “sleep.” I am deciding if he’s too young to sleep train or not. I still haven’t decided. Agh I need some decent sleep! I got back in the gym yesterday and it felt good! I survived my workout AND leaving both babies in the nursery. Wooosa. I went again today to a boot camp and it kicked my butt! Both did great in the nursery again and Charlie had a blow out 🤷🏼‍♀️ they even changed his diaper... I told them They could come get me if they needed anything but they didn’t. Jack ended or time at The gym by accidentally bonking Charlie with my metal water bottle 😳 We went to a coffee place today and they have this great kids area, it was so  Fun! Love you Charlie and jack!  He did this all on his own. My mom got him this doll before Charlie got here to show him how to be gentle and so he could have his own baby.  L...

Babies and wineries

Yesterday was so fun. We were having the middle floor painted and a new door installed in the basement so we needed to be out of the house. Kendall’s in town and the newly 21 year old wanted to hit up a winery. Well there’s one 2 miles from our house so we all decided to go. It was gorgeous out so really a no brainer we needed to be outside. Bull run winery is soooo family friendly. There’s an adults only side and a family side. Their “security guard” basically was like hey family of four, right this way. Aka: stay away from the adults only side. Got it. There were soooo many kids there and people bro hit toys and bubbles and wagons. Jack’s truck radar went off immediately and he made a new friend. I think he was using him for his truck but whatever. I’ve been searching for this feeling of “home” since Florida. Yesterday as I sipped my Virginia grown wine looking at my husband, sisters, cousin and children, I realized I am finally starting to feel settled and content. This feels more p...