
Showing posts from July, 2018


Jack was in quite a mood this evening and he insisted in bringing the goggles into the bath. I Had quite the time getting  The boys to bed tonight.... phew! 


Up late eating popcorn with dad. The new bed situation is still a struggle.  The three amigos  Jack really likes Charlie’s float and begs to get in it 🤷🏼‍♀️ Jack got a goody bag from a party recently and it contained a stamp. I walked upstairs for a minute to put Charlie down for a nap and I came down to this.  These are the pictures jack took of himself 😂

Oh yeah..

Oh yeah... I forgot I keep a blog and have thousands of followers. Sorry fans. This week was rainy!! I worked a lot, mike was off, we went to the gym, and Charlie is 6 months old today!! And he has a tooth!! I had no idea he was teething but I felt his gums the other day and there’s a tooth there! So sweet. He loves avocados, his brother, mom and dad, the pups, rolling around, his crib, pacis, walks, being outside... he’s a sweet babe and we love him so!!! He has really been noticing jack a lot more lately and he laughs at him quite frequently. Baba came out today and took us to dinner. Both boys were well behaved! 


I worked Friday night. My mom wanted to spend time with jack so I dropped him off to spend the afternoon/evening with her/dad/kels/Marcello/Mia. Mike stayed home with Charlie who ended up taking a 3 hour nap! Everyone went to a concert in Vienna and had a picnic dinner. They brought jack home around 8:30 and mike said he went straight to bed! Fun for all! Saturday we had a birthday party to attend at The coolest park ever in McLean. It was scheduled to rain but they still went ahead with the party because kids don’t care about rain! Jack had a blast. After we met my mom, Kelsey and my aunt Sharon for lunch then everyone came over to our house after. It was a fun day!  Yesterday we went to cox farms before more rain started. That place is so fun!  We ordered a railing for jacks big boy bed. We were hoping it would help....  Baba gave us his old iPad!! I downloaded a bunch of educational games so we sat together and played a couple.