
Showing posts from October, 2018


I went back to work this week. Mike is in charge. May the force be with him. Jk, he’s good. I’m making great money so it’s a win win for our family.  As previously mentioned, charlie is pulling himself up on Just about anything he possibly can. He’s ready to gooooo!!!  On Thursday I worked a double.  Mike and the boys went to Gigi/babas house for dinner. I was sad to miss it.  I now realize how mike feels when he works long shifts and doesn’t get to see the boys.  Dimples on dimples  Struggle bus Such a ham! 



Home and more MN

The week we spent in MN was so much fun. The cousins all played so nicely together and got along great! We took jack to “toddler Tuesday” at the mall of America to ride some rides. The first one was a little too fast so we weren’t sure he was going to actually ride anymore but he did. We think he liked it! We went to the park later then to the zoo on Wednesday then to yet another great MN park Wednesday afternoon before our 8:30 flight. The boys both slept on the flight which was on time and easy peasy. At first I was dreading such a late flight but it was actually kinda smart on our end due to the sleeping boys! We got home and put the boys right in bed. On Friday I had my mom group Meeting where we have brunch brought in by different groups of women. Jack and I must have eaten something bad because around 2:30pm on Friday I was hovered over the toilet puking my brains out. I begged mike to come home which he thankfully did because I literally couldn’t get off the couch! It was terrib...

More MN

We’ve been having lots of fun this week and jack and Charlie have spent lot of time with their cousins! We spent the night at ginger/tom’s house on Saturday night and Charlie did not do so well. He was up quiet a bit soooo that means I was too! We woke up on Sunday to SNOW. Yes, snow! Against our better judgment, and the snow, we went to a corn maze/pumpkin patch for about an hour. It was cold and wet. Jack was a little confused at first as to whyyyyyy we would be outside in such weather but he wanted up to the idea. We went to the mall of America after to finish the skins game then walked around. The place is huge with lots to see. Pancake breakfast made by Tom! They were a hit  More pics to come