
Showing posts from November, 2018


Last Sunday we went to the park with Mia, Kelsey and Marcello. It was a beautiful day in the 60s!  Family stockings!  We went to target and Walmart to get ornaments, lights and stockings. I told jack he could pick out an ornament and he went for this hamster. 


Mike got an air popcorn maker so he and jack made popcorn the other night and it was quite the treat. He loved it and was so proud of his accomplishment.  M


Went to Kelsey’s house Friday night then had everyone over to our house on Saturday. We got pizzas and salads from my work and they were delish! We gave all three babies a bath and of course I documented the cuteness. Cousin love:) Charlie with great grandpa John! My cousins’ new baby, Cameron. I guess he would be their second cousin? Matching babies  Poor Babcia!


We celebrated thanksgiving yesterday at my aunts house. We had a great time and it was Charlie’s first thanksgiving! I took his shirt off and Babcia fed him a bunch of food. He especially loved the green beans. He was a happy baby the entire time, except towards the end when he was clearly ready for sleep. Yesterday mike turned 32 and he celebrated by working. We missed him but that’s just part of his line of work and i think we’ve both accepted it. He is off for Christmas so we both think sacrificing thanksgiving was worth it. I just made sure to bring him some leftovers!  We put a big boy bed in Jacks room. Its a twin size mattress on the floor... much safer for his jumping obsession.  Yesterday while at giant, jack saw this cool cart with a car on it: Jack: wow mom look at that car! Me: yeah bud that’s cool! Jack: amazing! So amazing!  He seriously cracks me up all the time. Not sure if I wrote this yet or not: Jack: mom, have banana please. Me: we don’t have any bud, ...


Loving on his brother  Sweet move, jack! (Here is jack taking a sip of water from the sink). And Charlie observing. Jack doesn’t really like to walk in new places (lazy or shy, idk). Weirdo. I brought the boys to the mall on Sunday to get out and play. Figured jack would love running free in the mall. Not really.  Checking out the Christmas displays. Play date on Monday with some friends! On the walk home from our play date the boys played in a huge pile of leaves. Charlie was like whattttt the heck ru doing to me?! And we stopped by the park