
Showing posts from December, 2018


Getting here was hell. As soon as we got to The airport (nice and early to true O’Neill form) we were informed our flight was delayed TWO hours. In mom talk that’s like five hours.So when the guy told us I held back my tears and went about life. We got our car seats and bag checked and went to explore every inch of Bwi. After the longest day ever we arrived in Sarasota at 11:40 pm. The boys did amazing on the plane and were seriously troopers the entire day. Jack was amazing. So proud.  We found every ramp possible for Blaze.  So proud of the water he got from dunkin’ donuts.


Merry Christmas! Jack was so excited about his presents this morning and the fact that Santa came. Charlie had no idea what was going on. We opened presents at our house then headed to The O’Neill’s to continue the Christmas celebration. We took a little time to go see the Sandovals too! They were packing for the upcoming trip to Florida. We leave on Thursday- can’t wait!  Yesterday afternoon we went to Annandale Methodist church for  Their Christmas service. Jack did well (besides throwing candles and threatening to write in the Bible...).  Jack got a remote control car and he really likes it! Sweet Anna helping jack


R icketts and butallas are in town! Well they’ve been here but I haven’t blogged about it yet! We’ve been over there every day since they arrived. Poor Gigi and baba. There sure are a lot of us!  Jack likes this tea set and pretends to pour tea and drink it. He even offers cream and sugars  Swimming adventures at providence. I was working but got lots of pictures!  We went to clemynjauntry park yesterday