
Showing posts from February, 2019


Jack sat down while I was checking out at target.  Play place with dad and mom last week! Everyone waiting on Kelsey and Marcello to Get home haha  Jack having a snack at cousin Brittany’s house. He chose the stairs to sit on. And passed out on the way home so I carried him in. 


I worked this weekend but I had all Sunday off. I went to workout then took jack to get his haircut... he was sooo good! He seemed to actually like it and after he said “nice haircut.”  We made dinner plans with our friends Abby and grant. They have a 3 year old, a new huge house and LOTS of toys! We had a great time. Poor Charlie is sick soooo that sucks.  Charlie got in first then jack got in right beside him.  He sat down and was requesting food so Rylin brought it to him and he pretended to eat it. Then we are for real.the boys got fancy and dipped their bread in olive oil and balsamic. Ice cream for desert! Playing at home goods today


I’ve been busy choreographing barre routines and worrying about ME for the last week I haven’t had time to blog! I’ve officially taught my first barre class and it feels GREAT! I’m using my brain and coming up with routines on my own and people are leaving my class sweating and smiling... that’s the point right?! This is for me and I’m proud of myself.  Charlie is such a daredevil. Literally he will find the most unsafe activity or thing in a room and flock towards it (some evidence below).  He can play peek-a-boo with me and his smile lights up the room! He’s loving the whole circle house thing and partakes in chasing/being chased. He so badly looks up to his big brother and will imitate what he’s doing. A couple days ago jack was putting pens through a wicker floor and they would call to the floor. Charlie joined in. Today, I watched Charlie trying to put things in the same holes (a spoon, a brush, a cup- please notice the contents on my floor lol). It was cute. Charlie also...