
Showing posts from April, 2019

Play date

We had a play date at a friends house on Monday. They have a million toys, lots of trucks/dirt and a huge teddy bear that Charlie was enammored with.  Jack likes to take pictures of himself. 

Pics from dad

Charlie saw These balloons at the truck event and of course was so excited about them This girl was at the park The other day. Jack obvi wanted to play with her  Giving dad a kiss good night.  Is he not the cutest thing ever?!

Play all day

These boys are loving being outside with this gorgeous weather we are having. Jack is always looking to see if there are any friends at the park and when there are he wants to go out... even if he’s freshly bathed in pjs! Today mike took them outside and they ended up playing with tommy over at their house for over an hour. I got laundry done and dishes done without someone hanging onto my legs!  I love seeing jack playing with his friends. Oh it’s so Cute! I wasn’t there but mike took pics!

Touch a truck

Mike went to work this morning but was sent home so we went to a touch a truck event in Burke!  He loved being pushed around!

Crazy Charlie

As I’ve mentioned Charlie is constantly pushing his boundaries. He’s learned to climb on the chair then to the table. What. The. Heck.  Also learned to get up on the coffee table by using the drawers 🤦🏼‍♀️  fave game? Jumping to either mike or I from the coffee table without checking that we are looking first. Always gotta be on our toes with this one.  At least he’s adorable 🤷🏼‍♀️ Pre-dinner outdoor play with neighbors.  Jack picked up that ball and said “look at this silly ball mom!” Then he asked to go see the “monsters.” (The 🦞) Babcia gave him play doh for Easter. A big hit!!!!