
Showing posts from June, 2019

Cardio appt

The doctor heard a (hopefully) benign murmur at jacks 3 year old check up. The doctor recommended we see a cardiologist to confirm so obviously I took him. They did an EKG and an echo cardiograph. Doctor has no concerns and jacks heart looks great and is functioning beautifully. So we can put this behind us. He did such an amazing job at the appt. he was very interested in the sonogram of his heart and was looking towards the screen more than the movie that was on.  Ah, yes the ekg looks great (?). Haha mike said it does and we trust mike soooooo 


We had quite a Thursday! We had a friends birthday party then the pool/dinner with Gigi/baba. It was a fun day:)  I put jack in a bathing suit without a swim Diaper and told him to tell me if he needed to pee or poop. AND HE DID! He ran up to me while playing and said “I need to pee.” Good boy!  Delish combo of watermelon juice and icing 


I haven’t changed a jack poppy diaper in over a week! It’s a combo of us reminding him and him asking us to go potty. Thank goodness! Now we gotta work on the pee. Honestly I’m just happy to get some aspect of potty training under control so when we feel like having pee all over the house while we train him we will. Whatever. Charlie of course is trying to use the potty too. Yesterday he actually sat next to  Jack and went pee (with intent I feel). Then he tried to wipe himself and got his hand covered in pee. All before 8am!  Hand in pee 


Swinging naked in our friends backyard  We went to a beautiful winery last weekend. It was so fun and the weather was awesome.  Jack played in the dirt 😐 Someone brought watermelon and shared with us! 

More beach

Helping Marcello clean his car