
Showing posts from July, 2019

Finishing up MN trip

At the taco party Saturday afternoon. It was quite a weekend. Look at what a mess Charlie is 🤦🏼‍♀️ Next day we went to an awesome park/splash pad.  Of course a picnic lunch was had!  Mimi pushing both children  Strong char char  Dinner at Kate’s :)  The evening ended with ice cream for all! There’s something adorable about kids and ice cream... 

More MN

Photo dump from MN. We went to a fun festival, a nacho party, an awesome splash pad/park. It really was a blast.  Look at these drunks. Haha  Heading to the festival!  The boys got their faces painted  Charlie’s quickly turned into a fast ball 😂 Mine too 😂 Then balloon figures. Jack chose a ninja.  Cotton candy and beer cheers Watching a magician. Anna is the only one who is looking at the magician. 

Beautiful life

The week has been a crazy but FUN one! We went to mound Friday night with the intent that the mound parade/fun day would happen on Saturday. The weather had other plans. We had a blast regardless! Boat rides, yummy food, festivals, etc were so fun. The kids ended up exhausted and ready for BED. Char took a late nap  Jack went over to Maddie, sat next to her and said “she’s so cute.”