
Showing posts from October, 2019

Jack’s school

Today for Halloween we went to jack’s class. We brought Halloween cookies and yogurt for everyone and a simple craft. Then we watched the kids walk around in their costumes. It was so nice to actually see him in his room and talk a little with his teacher. She’s sweet! She says that jack isn’t really into the crafts.. just wants to play 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️  He was the leader today! When he was asked to sit down criss cross he did and was able to follow directions nicely- seriously lovely to see that. 

New patio!

We got new concrete poured in the backyard so we can have a better functioning space. Now we have lots of room for activities and outside play. It feels like an extension of our house. Scooter riding and chalk drawing and fire pit... endless opportunities for fun! Watching them lay the concrete was of course a fun time for the boys. That afternoon we had Sarah and her crew over for dinner... her husband was out of town and mine was working. When the boys are away the girls will play! Ha  These four ❤️❤️ Fell asleep holding his foot. He is exhausted by the end of each day. Can barely keep  His eyes open!  Loud dog barking?  Had a snack out on the patio! 

Cox farm 2

We took dad Monday afternoon to Cox farm. Always a fun time! Charlie loved the hay ride and of course the slides. He screamed out of fear when a goat ran towards him... good! Something needs to scare that child! Threw Charlie down the slide solo. Got down the slide and ran right back up for more.  Go? 

Trunk or treat

Jack’s school had a trunk or treat event Saturday night. It was mellow and cute! Jack was of course a firefighter and Charlie wouldn’t wear his cop costume so he was a Target employee. Mia/kels and Marcello joined us then came over for dinner. Charlie was wild (sorry Mia) that night! Jack saw a friend from school that he talks about a lot. It was nice to know this other child exists! I got to meet that child’s parent too. It was so Cute Kelsey calming the hounds with pretzels.  My life.  Jack and I played with paint today. He did an awesome Job tracing his name with paint!