
Showing posts from November, 2019


All of the cousins were reunited for a week full of overstimulation, yummy dinners and late nights. Everyone got along for the most part but sooo much fun was had and memories were made. I love the time they all have together and wish the Ricketts/Butalla clans didn’t live somewhere so ungodly cold so they could be together more often. But that’s life! Jack has been doing an amazing job with the potty training! He went to school last Tuesday and didn’t have an accident and even went pee on the school potty. Good boy!!  Uncle matt teaching jack (not really) how to play chess. We’ll try again this summer when he’s 4!  Jack playing a “zideo” game.  Jack put his arm right around Charlie when he sat next to him ❤️ Happy babes  Bath time! 

Potty trained!!

I conquered getting jack to pee on the potty! I’m so proud of him! And of myself if I’m being completely honest πŸ˜‚ I was dreading it but we got it done! His school called and told me he can’t come in a pull-up anymore sooooo I had no choice if I want to send him to school. So we got some fresh new underwear that be picked out and we made a potty chart. After each day he wore underwear and peed on the potty he colored in a box. On day 5 he earned a game he’s been wanting: pop the pig! On day 3 if he had no accidents he got a monster truck. Whatever man. I’m obviously not above bribing my kid to get stuff done. 

Pizza night

Mike working + Sarah’s husband working late = pizza night with tommy/Zoe/Sarah. It was a fun Time and a great end to a long day. 


Not much happening here lately. Jack’s ear infection came back last week so we were dealing with that then I got sick again sooooo here we are! Antibiotics for jack and I and we are on the mend! Charlie is forreal “speaking” in full sentences. He’ll look at you with such intent and speak a full sentence of Charlie speak then expect you to know what he just said. Then he gets really frustrated when you have no clue what he meant. Soooo we are working on more signs in hope we can cool it with the frustration fueled outbreaks. He and jack are wilddddddd together. Mike says that’s just what boys do 😳🀷🏼‍♀️ Mike picked up jack from lifetime the other night and found him like this  So much nakedness after bath time  This Batman shirt was on super sale at target soooo now we own it! And he’s obsessed 🀦🏼‍♀️


A company my dad/kels invest with rented out an entire zoo in McLean. We piggybacked and got to join as well. This was our second year going. Both boys weren’t themselves and wouldn’t eat a single thing (Chick-fil-A, pizza, cookies, etc.) and they wanted to just hang in the stroller and look at the animals. Thank goodness I brought the stroller πŸ™ŒπŸΌ  It was fun though!


Halloween was so much fun. The boys loveeeeed it. Both walked the entire time and were excited to go to the next house. It was so fun to watch! We went with Colton, tommy and Zoe (and their parents obvi). We got back around 6:45 then we passed out candy. We got a lot of trick or treaters and the boys were sooooo into it!  Every day since jack says “Halloween was so fun!”