Last Thursday jack’s school did their Valentine’s Day celebration. He wrote his name on each card and did an awesome job of doing so. It was really cute! On v-day we took the boys to the mall for some play and lunch. It was some fun family time! On Saturday we went to our friend Rylins birthday party. It was poop emoji themed (💩). It was a stinkin’ good time! (Get it?!) On Sunday Gigi came to watch Charlie and we took jack to his first movie, sonic. It was soooooo cute (jack and the actual movie). We warned him it would be a little loud (something he doesn’t love) so he sat with his ears covered for the first 15 minutes. He warmed up to it and had a great time. We snuck some snacks into the theatre to enjoy. He was so funny. I handed him a sour patch kid expecting him to hate it... he stuck it in his mouth and was like “mmmmm what is this?!?!?!” They got these poop emoji sticky things from the party and they got stuck on the ceiling. 😂