Kelsey, Marcello and Mia welcomed a new addition last week... Remi Florence Sandoval! Florence was my grandmother’s name and we all miss her terribly. She would have been an amazing great grandmother:) Welcome Remi!
The scooters are still very loved but we got the boys bikes! Jack was sooo ready and Charlie as well. JCk picked it up very quickly! He’s a little timid on it and isn’t ready to go fast but it’s awesome! He looks so big on it! These boys are growing like weeds. Mike the other morning was like I’m pretty sure they each grew an inch overnight! Charlies speech is slightlyyyyyy improving. He’ll say something and it’ll be so clear as to what he was trying to say. Other times it’s like say what?! We’re working on it:) Very excited to walk through the puddles with his boots on. I ordered some boots for Charlie too so he could partake in the puddle walking too 👍 I demonstrated how to roll down a hill the other day. New bike came!! We rode to one of our favorite neighborhood creeks
Jack: “these germs are taking a long time to go away. When they are away I want to play with Tommy’s truck and go-kart and remote control car and trampoline” yes buddy you got it! Jack seems oddly understanding of this situation and understands there are germs out there making people sick. He’s (mostly) a really good big brother and it’s really sweet. Last night Charlie was sooo not wanting to go to bed... jack was trying to talk him into it and it was so endearing: “ Charlie everyone is going to Bed. So we have to go to Bed too. The sun is going down. Char let’s go!” Our neighbor gave us this tricycle. Jack LOVES it and is so ready for a real bike! Look at this child sleeping. I brought him in from the car. We got some top soil delivered for our garden in the backyard. Had to bring it from the front to back. Battles and battles and more battles!
I can’t believe how big and tall jack Is getting. Sometimes mike and I are like WHAT!? He loves facing forward and having his window down. Babcia gave us a bunch of great craft supplies. We made caterpillars the other day. Beyblades while Charlie naps. Hey let’s lay in the grass and feel The sun! He’s mostly adorable and sweet. But man does he have opinions and a stubborn side (no surprise since mike And I are both stubborn af). 🤷🏼♀️