
Showing posts from June, 2020

Backyard play

Please note the beautiful, lush green grass!!! Oh, and these sweet boys ❤️

The week

These boys love the gosh darn hose lol  The playground in my grandpas neighborhood... usually covered in spider webs since it’s never used! It rained that afternoon but we needed some outdoor time so we made it work!  Look at this big boy!! He’s holding a baby turtle. He is SO into nature and animals and how things eat/move/wash their hands in nature. I’ve explained numerous times that animals don’t wash their hands 🤷🏼‍♀️ He was wanting to see a video of how a clam moves and what it’s like inside the shell. Questions asked: how does it eat? How does it walk? Does it have teeth to chew food? Oh what does he eat? How can he wash his hands before he eats?  Thank you YouTube for having videos of clams.  Man he’s hilarious. Today he was having a snack and came to ask for more. He said “mom I need some more because I’m so snacky” as he rubs his empty belly.  Hungry= hunger for a full meal Snacky= hunger for snacks  Charlie riding his bike inside... it’s fine. H...

Creeks and parks

You know it! We are still visiting all of the creeks and now we are visiting  parks. We are encouraging the boys to lick everything so it’s totally fine. Kidding, of course. I am sanitizing hands every ten mins and making sure we hit up the parks we don’t frequently see people at.  We split the cost of a big pool with our neighbors and the boys played for about 2 hours... mostly nicely. It was fun and a nice change! “Look mom it’s our best bubbles ever!” Ummm cool jack 😳 Cold treat! Watching a storm the other night.  Why wouldn’t Charlie sit here to read a book?  Guess who is under the bag? Yep, Charlie!  Look at this beautiful pic of Remi!  Did I mention we got a tree swing?  Constantly requesting under dogs  Big boy!! 


Kendall got a new apartment down in Arlington so we went to check it out, play and eat. It was a fun afternoon!