
Showing posts from September, 2020


We got away to the beach for a couple days and it was sooooooo nice. Kelsey decided it would be nice to go up together and I’m so glad she suggested it. The kiddos got to all play together under the same roof for the first time since March and they had so much fun. It was gorgeous so we got to get one last beach day in before the weather starts to get chilly. We got to putt putt and jack got to fish with grandpa.  Forgot a shirt for jack so he put on mine. He couldn’t leave without this newspaper about fishing. Soooo into it.  My parents put in an outdoor shower. It was a hit.  They caught one fish. They brought it home to eat. Jack tried a bite and said next time They catch a fish he wants to put the fish back to his home. That’s my boy! 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ They loved the “magic” holes. The ones Where the balls end up going in one hole and ending up somewhere else.  Ice cream after! 


Charlie excited for school!  Park and dinner with Kelsey and her crew. The boys basically used the hotdog bun as a vessel to hold their hotdog and didn’t take a single bite of the bun 😂 School pics :) he’s already learned soooooo much! My dad brought this bike carrier to us and the boys LOVED it.  Enjoying the sun  Remi got baptized. I put on a dress AND heels.  Cul-de-sac play with Babcia