
Showing posts from November, 2020

I’m pregnant

And it’s a GIRL!!!!!! I’m kinda still in shock but am so excited. I’m 12+3 weeks pregnant. I am beyond exhausted but am starting to feel better overall. I’m due June 10th and picking a girl name is really hard! Obviously we’ve got time :)  Here we go again!!  Jack crying in mikes arms because he found out it’s a girl. “I don’t like girlssssssss!!!” 

Another lately

Thanksgiving 2020 has come and gone. We had a great day at home just the 4 of us:) school was canceled for the week since the homeowner where school takes place is out of town. Then, we found out the teacher was in contact with someone who tested positive for covid so no more school for 2 weeks. A total bummer but obviously this school we do only works if people are upfront and honest so we are happy to oblige.  Pj day at school the Friday before thanksgiving  Beautiful weather backyard play  Jack licks his lips and they get all chapped. Sir.  Went to check the mail real quick and I came Back and the boys are wearing mikes shoes out front.  This picture is live and you can seee jack shoving Charlie forward. It’s hilarious.  Pizza making followed by thanksgiving day craft making.  Bakugans playing  Connect the dot books from Gigi. Jack is really good at it and loves it.  Kels gave me This massive pregnancy pillow to use. An obvious hit. 


We painted bird houses to hang up front. Charlie insisted on covering every inch of his bird house. Go for it.  Got our masks on!  Fell asleep like this lol.  He was so proud of himself for sitting on this Tupperware/beyblade holder. 

School pics

More pics from the school fb page. We also had a really fun play date at the house where school is. The house is like 4c the size of ours and just feels so spacious letting the kids run free.