
Showing posts from April, 2021

Party time

Last weekend we had two very busy days filled with parties. Ok Saturday we had a party for our friend nori who turned 5 then we went to Remi’s first birthday party. Sunday my mom and sisters threw me a baby sprinkle! I got sprinkled with lots of love and sweet gifts from friends. It was a great weekend. Passed the heck out  I’m super pregnant. I’m over it and ready to hold this baby! I’m 34 weeks so I’ve got time but my gosh 😳


Air head treat. Yum.  Sunday dinner at Gigi and babas  This thing costs a Penny to ride. A very simple treat for being super well behaved while I grocery shop. Thanks Harris teeter.  Kelsey came over with her gang the other day. Look at Charlie with remi. So sweet! Jack was being sweet too, just not pictured. The other day Jess was asking Jack if he was excited to meet his sister. He said “I only like girls that are older.” Got it.  Clean plate club. Well almost. I guess I took the pic too soon.  We went to one of our fave creeks the other day for almost two hours. Both boys ended up soaking wet and ended up riding home butt naked. We got home around 5:30 suuuper dirty. We did bath and pjs then ate dinner. It was a really great day.  We met a random group of kids/moms there. They had nets and buckets galore. 


Idk who thought if this first but the boys tried shooting an apple off each other’s backs and head 🤦🏼‍♀️ School pics  Charlie loves uno. Worm hunting at school 🪱  Last couple weeks with Jess/Colton next door.  Mike went golfing the other day. Boys very into the golf clubs. I vote mike takes them to the driving range...  While Mike was golfing we went to lunch  Then played with Colton obvi.  Sunday dinner at Gigi and baba’s