5 months
Our sweet Quinnie is 5 months old (yesterday)! She’s a total doll most of the time! When she’s tired or hungry WATCH OUT. She absolutely loves her brothers. She watches them and laughs with them and it’s so cute. Jack often says “she’s just the cutest baby I’ve ever seen” and “I just love her so much. I love you, mom but I love quinnie even more.” Gee thanks? Her naps are generally shitty and on the go (dropping off And picking up everyone throughout the day certainly isn’t helping me try to get her in a routine so the shitty naps are on me. It’s frustrating but I’m glad she’ll sleep in the car/stroller/carrier. I hope we can get a better routine when in the new house and I can walk Jack to school. That’ll be nice. She rolls from back to front and will often do so in order to watch the boys. She takes a bath with the boys and still LOVES the water. She’s loving food and enjoys sitting in her high chair (esp if the boys are at the table too and she can watch them). We love you Quinn!!...