
Showing posts from June, 2022

Fun with friends!

My friend Taylor had her anniversary last week so I offered to take their kids so they could do whatever their hearts desired. She’s got a 6 year old (jacks claimed best friend) and an 8 year old who is darling and helpful with Quinn. Everyone was perfectly behaved and it was so fun. They stayed for dinner and played and played. Abbey the 8 yo is sooo helpful and cute with Quinn soooo they can pretty much come whenever.  lol Really hard to share this thing sometimes but we got it done.  Quinn is obsessed with it  l Almost got a basketball team over here!  Swim team!  We stayed after practice and my friend Sonya met us at the pool with her son. The boys got along amazingly. It took like 20 minutes for them to warm up to each other but once they did they had a blast. Jack came up to me and whispered in my ear “he’s my friend.” Love it  And Quinn loved Sonya. I ran to the bathroom and I came back to Quinn on her lap snuggling with a piece of pizza with heavvvv...

Block party!

Charlie’s school had a block party. It rained the entire day so they moved it inside. I was afraid they were going to cancel it but the show must go on! Face painting, balloon animals, dancing, games and a lot of familiar faces. Oh and an impressive spread of food! They had so much fun.  Jacks face when I told him he could drink rain water. I can do what?! 

First pool boo-boo

The other day a dad was throwing a frisbee to the boys and his son while they jumped off the diving board. Jack slipped and fell on the diving board then belly flopped into the water. He was so  Distraught and it broke my heart. He was crying and said “I wish I was tougherrrr.” Which also broke my heart. We went home and he relaxed and we watched a movie it. It definitely called for an easy afternoon.  I worked Wednesday night so a pic from dad is what I got!  Ma’am 

Charlie passed the Swim test

He was so proud of himself! And so were we! His freestyle is the shit. And he treaded water for the entire 60 seconds and earned the coveted orange bracelet you have to wear once you pass the test. We all watched and cheered him on and it was awesome.  Pictures/captions out of order :)  Ready and excited!  Treading water  Earned it! He asked me like 5 times that day if I was proud of him. Ummm DUH! Now he gets to go off the diving board whenever!  The boys love their swim team. I love it for them. I’m so glad I got them signed up! They were working on backstroke today and it was impressive! The coaches are doing an awesome job. Big strides already!