
Showing posts from July, 2022

Sick Charlie

Char hasn’t been himself all week:/ def had a fever Sunday night, Monday and some of Tuesday. Negative for covid. Was screaming lots that his legs hurt. Growing pains for this long? and a fever.? Idk.  Pics from my dad: Sick Charlie. Poor guy Jack and I playing with his new wallet. We played chick fil a and he was ordering and pretending to pay lol  Practicing his stilts  Miserable  Perked up for bath time (or a bath shower as he calls it, faucet on and shower on, both like trickling lol). Whatever  Mike bought me an air fryer and omg I love it. Like love love love it. What an invention! We made mozzarella sticks. And like 5 other things 

Mom and dad away

My amazing parents came to town for the boys’ last day of swimming last Friday and to stay with the two nights while mike and I went away! We stayed at their house and they stayed at our… with 3 kids and Lola. For sure Mike and I won the better side of the bargain.  They swam, went to Chuck E. Cheese and out for a pizza lunch. Mike and I slept, played pickle ball (dare I say I actually had fun, swam,  went to lunch and dinner, met  Up with Leah and her crew. It was a really fun, relaxing time. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Thank you mom and dad!!!!!! Before we headed out of town the boys had their last day of swim where they do a “lollipop meet.” Basically they show off their cool new  Skills. It was cute:)  Pic from dad 🥰 Walking over with their coach.  Piggy back race  Next are pics from Babcia: The anniversary of our engagement was 8 years ago on Saturday.  This was after leaving pool with cousins when they first got here. We are dinner at the ...