
Showing posts from November, 2022


We hosted thanksgiving and a special bonus was that Erica, Matt and Nyah joined us! It was a fun time and the food was delish! Erica brought her famous dessert and my mom made apple pie. It was a great night. We were hoping Gigi and baba could join but that was not in the cards. They were missed!  Holy smokes a good picture of all of us!  Right in the middle of the kitchen!  Playing ball!  Strong girl  She was sooooo excited to have Nyah at the house!  So sweet and Nyah was soooo patient  Go to bed.

So much happening

I’m really slacking here. I realize that! I’ll add pics then captions because it’s been too long.  We went to our neighbor, Daniels birthday party but they had it out at his grandparents in oakton. They had fire trucks come and it was a huge hit.  I carried Quinn in from the car and laid her down in our bed. Get it girl  Charlie had an infection on (of all his fingers) his middle finger. It’s getting better but it hopped to the finger next to it too.  A delish dinner at aunt Kelsey’s house on a Sunday  Quinn had a terrible diaper rash so didn’t want to sit in the tub for like a week. So her hair was crazy as a result since it didn’t get washed  Proof mom exists  Quinn’s 18 month checkup. She’s perfect. She grabbed two gloves and asked for help putting them on. Girl is opinionated and sassy and sweet. She loves milk, fruit, pasta, pizza, Mac and cheese, lunch meat. She says A LOT of words and comprehends most of what you say. She can jump, run, climb an...

Catching up

Charlie’s class  Charl Playground fun  “Pushing” our friend on the swing  First tooth lost! It was hanging on by a thread so I asked if I could have just one go at it and he said yes!  The damn tooth fairy left $5 #inflation  A random park before getting char one day  The boys smiling with gifts they want from Santa  This is Charlie one night when I got home from work  Grandpa came by! The weather has been oddly warm but now it’s cold (chilly). Mike has been busting his butt with the leaf situation at our house. The kids think they’re just for jumping on.  She loves to just fly on The swing  Pushing his baby around the house  Took Charlie  for a haircut and thats certainly what we got. Everything was way too short but oh well he’s still adorable!  Angel face  Thanksgiving lunch at jacks School with Quinn.  Pic from dad getting jack from school after chess club