
Showing posts from September, 2023

Quinn’s first day of preschool

It was back on the 5th. She got out of the car no problem and came back smiling ear to ear and seemingly exhausted. I’d say it was a success! She loves it and I’m loving a couple of hours of silence.  Fresh hair cuts  Taught her how to hold her dress up on the potty  Last pool day of the season 😢  Then off to school the next day!  There she goes! That’s my friend Lauren and my other friend Taylor is one of her teachers so she’s got lots of people to look after her:) Peaceeeee out! All 3 in school!! I did laundry and cleaned the house.  There she is!  Quinn and Jettie made houses out of these huge boxes. They played nicely for 30+ mins 

More life updates

I can’t stand this sweet girl.  My beauty!  “Mom take a picture of me upside down” Sick mom and dad. For real, we were functioning at like 60% and exhausted. It was a rough couple of days and Mike even called out of work. That’s saying something for sure  I meannn sure  She’s oddly good on this scooter  Quinn’s preschool orientation  These two…! Took the girls to a park/splash pad. It was a warm day, not hot so they were in the water for liiiike 5 mins lol  Pool day at broyhill. The boys are so helpful when they want to be and really do look out for Quinn 

Beginning of the school year

Bye summer, hello school year! It was a great summer but a routine is always welcome.  Kels watched Quinn for me the first week of school. The girls are really cute together Someone gifted these fancy dresses and now they’re every day dresses for Quinn  The girl on the left is Jettie. I’m babysitting her 3x a week for some extra cash. She is almost 5, entertains Quinn and it’s what I’d be doing anyways, now I get to get paid for it! So far is going great  Told her to open her eyes when she smiles and the next couple of pics is the result.  Dance party before bed  Library  At our neighbors pool  Lunch at life time before our last swim there  Ready to goooo She is Quinn. She gets it I think. Boys go then we pick them up later  I was so sick two weeks ago and woke up with this lovely popped blood vessel. Purely cosmetic but also too early for Halloween  Good friends!