
Showing posts from December, 2023

Christmas Timeeee

Ok for real shout out to my mom for making each and every Christmas magical. I feel the pressure and acknowledge the amount of love and hard work that went into making Christmas special for us growing up. That being said my gosh is it exhausting! The whole month of December actually… is exhausting. And expensive. Christmas parties, teacher gifts, kid gifts, cousin gifts, grandparent gifts. The special food. The presents. It’s all a lot. I sound like a grinch I realize this but my goodness.  I loved seeing their excitement this morning. It was the pure innocence of a child’s belief of santa and it’s adorable. Quinn said “reindeer eat carrot!!! Santa drink milk all gone.” It’s kinda of why we go to all of this hassle to make it memorable. For those smiles and excitement. You only get those on Christmas. And that’s why it’s worth it.  The following pics are from Christmas Eve when Babcia and grandpa came over with presents: Then we got ready for the big guy’s arrival. It’s just m...

Other lately

Quinn sitting in the cockpit. Not sure what to think about the opportunity.  Snuggles the next morning  Pics sent to me  We went to a really cool indoor pool What I got when I asked Charlie to smile for a cute pic with his sister  Two peas  Must get it all in our trip. After I got in the house I was like wow that was ridiculous of me, I bet I looked ridiculous. I sure did.  Hanging on by a thread! I pulled it out the next day.  Bell from school. She said Santa came!!!!  That’s a good Santa!  Consoling Charlie after who the heck knows what happened  Christmas party in Quinn’s class. They had donuts and muffins.