
Showing posts from March, 2018

New house

We moved into our new house on Monday. Gigi and baba regained their kingdom back as well. I bet they were happy about that! Mike picked up a truck and a worker from 711 and they loaded that truck up in a little over an hour. I was hesitant to move the boys here too soon but I’m sooo glad we’re here. I can organize and clean easier now that I’m here. Thank you, Gigi and baba for allowing our circus to pitch tent with you for the week. We had a great time and we so appreciate your hospitality, delicious home cooked meals and cold wine. We love you guys so very much! I got jacks room set up so he can start getting some normalcy back in his life. I just say, he is so good with change. Today we had our first day in Centreville (with mike at work). We went to a play date with about 8 moms and all kids jacks age! It was really fun. I see myself making some new friends already! We had lunch then went to an afternoon storytime as well. Two outings in one day?! Who are we?! We also got a library...

Celebrate good times

We’re homeowners again!!! And I turned 30!! The first announcement is much more  exciting. We had a very easy closing Friday afternoon. We put jack to bed and Gigi/baba took Charlie so mike and I could go out for my birthday. I had a fantastic time. I felt so carefree to be out without my children. Much like college. It was a lovely time! Charlie awarded me by sleeping 10-3. Thanks bud. We started painting on Saturday morning. My mom and dad took both boys so I could go help paint for a bit. We got one room done and Matt came to help which was great.  Saturday night we celebrated my birthday with my family at my grandpas house. Again, great time had by all! Thank you mom and dad for a delicious dinner... and for sitting with jack so mike and I could eat dinner!  Mike headed back out to the house this morning and Gigi took jack so I could go help. Baba and our friend Justin came to help. Thank you everyone! So proud of himself  Omg what if we had twins...  Charli...

Snow day

We had a mid-March snow day yesterday at the O’Neill house. Many know that my idea of a nightmare is being stuck inside all day long. I felt this way without kids but I especially feel this way with kids. I think it’s important to keep jack busy and doing new things so when we don’t get to go somewhere I definitely notice it! He did great yesterday though and the day went by quite smoothly! We even got to nap together- thanks Gigi! Charlie even had a good day and pooped (our goal for the day since he hadn’t pooped in two days). He’s been giving me a nice stretch of sleep to start with then pulling a Jack and grunting after his first wake up— wtf. It’s unreal how loud he is.  We close on our house tomorrow!! And I turn 30!! What an exciting day!! Just to be clear I’m not excited about turning 30... just the house. I’ll believe it when we have the keys in our hands.. it’s been a long time coming... and of course this process wouldn’t be complete without someone giving my dad hell....


We thought the Nolans were getting home on the 20th so we took Sunday to move out most of our stuff and start cleaning. The dogs were taken to a sitter with a nice backyard and two other dogs to play with... aka heaven. We have now moved our circus to the O’Neill household. We are so appreciative of their willingness to let us stay with them... We realize we come with a lot of chaos! We found out today the Nolans aren’t planning on being back until this coming Saturday 🀷🏼‍♀️😐  I took jack to the library today then went to see Kelsey and sweet Mia. Poor Kelsey must have been overwhelmed with us lol. She’s used to a quiet Mia and I’ve got a grunting two month old and an opinionated two year old. Ah, life...! We went for a nice walk and jack got to go to a nice park.  Explanation of pics below: -laid Charlie down for tummy time and jack laid with him -Jenny came over to meet Charlie  -jack is OBSESSED with sitting in the car and pushing buttons. He will sign “help” to eit...

6 weeks

Charlie turned 6 weeks old yesterday! Big boy! His sleep has been really off lately so I’m trying to be as patient as possible because I know this will pass. I’m doing my best with everything considering how tired I am! Two kids is no joke- how did our parents have 4??! Jack is becoming quite opinionated lately... and he is seriously testing us... my parents had a glimpse of it yesterday.. I can smell those “terrible twos” just around the corner πŸ˜‚  We close in a little over a week on our new house. Can’t wait! I’m excited for jack and Charlie to have their rooms set up and to establish a new routine and some normalcy. Also stoked about a yard for the dogs and a park right behind our house!!! We’ll have to get blinds ASAP and take the long way there so jack doesn’t see it and realize he can walk right out our back yard to the park πŸ˜‚ he’ll want to live there!  I took jack on another play date today with the moms group. It was at a place called NOVA Labs. It was so cool. Trucks...