
Haha recovery sounds dramatic. I’m just trying to feel better because the last week was rough for me. It is seriously so hard to be 100% for your babies/life in general when you feel barely at 40%. Not fun. I’m finally starting to feel better. I have been trying to just lay low and stay home so I can feel better. I did, however, take the babies to a birthday party yesterday. It was for my roommate from college’s two girls. It was at a gymnastics place and it was super hot and smelled of feet. Double win!! Erin, my friend, held Charlie for a while and so did her hubby. They have 4 kids but are both baby obsessed lol. Thanks guys! 

Saturday night we went to Gigi/babas for dinner. Baba made a delicious fish stew! Gigi enforced tummy time and jack played with... trucks! We went to Kelsey’s for dinner on Sunday. We apparently just didn’t want to eat dinner at home this weekend. 

*bear with me... this app completely stinks. I upload pictures/a blog and when I publish it, the pictures are deleted and an old draft is published. It’s beyond frustrating. 

Jack sharing juice with his car... gotta keep it hydrated! 

Jack grabbed my bra from the laundry and put it on. I guess they really do see everything.... šŸ¤¦šŸ¼‍♀️

Mike and jack got their picture taken at the gym.. they were having a party. Jack refused to go to sleep Saturday night without the picture with him in his crib. 

Char sucking his thumb


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