
The pools are open so it’s starting to feel like summer! Plus the hot weather helps with that summery-ness. We of course met Gigi at the pool yesterday and jack had a blast! We also got Charlie in the water a bit and he loved it too. Jack has battle wounds all over his knees and knuckles from falling in the pool. He didn’t seem to mind. 

After the pool we went with Gigi and baba to their neighbors house for a wine party. They have a 2.5 year old so jack of course had so many toys/trucks to play with and there were a bunch of other kids. This ten year old named Clara took jack under her wing and the two were inseparable. It was so cute. At one point I went downstairs and he was sitting on her lap watching a movie. We even went back to the pool today... young pool rats in the making!

Jack came out with the fire hat on and was saying “weeooo weeooo fire truck.” 


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