
Gahhhhh I hate when babies are sick. Jack had a little bit of a runny nose last weekend but around noon on Monday he was feeling HOT and he wasn’t really acting like himself. I took his temp and it was 103. Ummm what? I immediately got him some ibuprofen and was trying to push the liquids. Mike always tells me when a baby has a fever to strip them of all their clothes so that’s what I did. Poor baby I could tell he was not feeling well. I wanted to keep both babes happy so we went on an hour long walk around the neighborhood and neither babe made a peep (except jack narrating what color car was driving by)!  Both were in their diapers. Whatever! When we got back jack laid down on the couch and passed out. He never, ever passes out anywhere like that. He didn’t even want to take a bath. When I finally got him to bed (after bathing/caring for Charlie) he was so done and slept well. On Tuesday he seemed to be feeling better but around two he started to go down hill. He actually asked to go lay down! And he passed out on mike while sitting on the couch. We had a nice lunch with Gigi earlier that day and jack ate a great meal, thank goodness! Please pass quickly, sickness! 

Charlie, on the other hand, just has his usual cough and stuffy nose. I really hope he doesn’t get what jack has. I’ve been feeding him purees three times a day and he seems to love food! He’s napping like an absolute champ and I’m so grateful. Two hours mid morning and two
Hours mid afternoon. He’s so adorable and we love him so! He’s working on sitting but still will face plant if left unattended. 

Some of the pics are from Sunday when we went to the pool with Kendall, matt, kels, marcello and Mia. It’s a shame we haven’t been able to get to the pool this week since our pool time is slowly dwindling:( 

Jack put his shorts on all by himself, I was cracking up because he couldn’t get them over his diaper 😂

So sweet! 

Double trouble! 

Charlie fell asleep in the stroller with his arms up 

All I could get jack to eat Monday was ramen... 

We did make it to the park today! 


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