
Showing posts from September, 2018

The week

Charlie is an army climbing fool. He’s got quite the technique down. He uses his left hand and right elbow to determine his direction then uses his right leg as an anchor as his left foot propels himself forward. At least that’s what it looks like! The other day he was hanging in our room while mike took a shower and he made His way right into the bathroom and into the shower (with assistance). He was so content splashing around as his pudgy belly clogged the drain. “Come on, guys!” He says this when he wants us to go somewhere. It’s adorable.  The other day we were supposed to go to a toddler time at the Fairfax town hall. It ended up getting cancelled but luckily there were these fun fountains outside to play with. I somehow had a change of clothes in the car for him. He kneeled down like this and watched these two Boys for a while πŸ˜‚ Workout out afterwards with dad  We went to Tyson’s to walk around on Monday as well since it was raining and yucky. Apple store  Dad and...


Please see the following adorable-ness below.  Reality πŸ‘†πŸΌ Charlie sat in his first restaurant high chair today! He happily ate Cheerios and tried to grab dad’s beer. He also rested his chin on the table quite a bit. Luckily I wiped it down first! 

Library books

We went to the library the other day to pick out some books to check out. While there we built towers and did puzzles.  Does this count as showing interest in the potty? Reading a potty book on the potty? 🀷🏼‍♀️ I remember this horse from when I was a kid!  Charlie at work  Look at that stance!  Jack picked out a race car book. Shocker.  Too early, buddy! 

Out and about

We’ve had lots of rain lately so I’ve been making sure we stay nice and busy! We went to this play place called monkey Joe’s yesterday that jack really enjoyed. Bonus: if you download their ap you get in for free. So we had a fun day and I didn’t have to spend a dime! Jack has been HATING getting his diaper changed lately and putting on clothes. It’s so fun. He also doesn’t like to share and is always saying “no Charlie” when Charlie tries to play with anything that “belongs” to jack. He’s always making me laugh and is soooo verbal now. The other day we were going upstairs and he said “come on guys!” He’ll hand me something and say “here ya go mom” (in a super innocent voice, especially if it’s something he shouldn’t have). He can say 6+ word sentences and can repeat things if we ask him to. He’ll also hold open the trash can top for me to throw something in and he’ll open the gate upstairs for me and stands there patiently until I walk through. He’s eating A LOT lately and is back to ...