Memorial Day Party!
The other day at the pool mike was like “man to man or zone defense?” 😂 that’s how we have to think about everything with these two crazies. I opted for zone defense but we ended up switching over to man to man because it was just safer. On Memorial Day the owners of Ciao throw a party at their huge house in Clifton. Mike switched his schedule around so that he could come. It was obviously a very unsafe for me to take both boys so having both of us there was key. So many places to slip and fall in, a deep end, a jacuzzi and no fence. Just unsafe on unsafe things. It was a lot but the party was fun and they were such gracious hosts. Jack was begging to go to bed at 7 before the sun went down. And he slept until 8:30 The next day. He played hard! Charlie too. It was a good time! Charlie at the pool. He just laid back and was thoroughly enjoying himself. When we got home. Both boys laidddddd out.