Summer is here! We’ve had some gorgeous days lately and we’ve been spending them outside as much as possible. The fresh air is awesome for boys... FYI.

These are from last week. Love
We got new floors!! These are not it...

We went to an awesome park before lifetime on Friday. Here is jack enjoying a sandwich!

See any kids hanging in my legs?! Me either!!

New floors!!


Since I’m now a lifetime employee my membership and the boys’ (including mike) are totally free. On Friday we went to the lifetime reston, dropped the kids off at childcare and we laid by the pool for 45 uninterrupted minutes of kid free time. Ummm hello game changer! We did let jack play in the pool for a bit before dropping him off.
The first official pool day (which I have been dreading due to Charlie’s insane nature) was Saturday!! We went to Gigi’s pool and of course it was awesome. Charlie and jack both did amazingly and luckily there is a sand box and other play areas at Broyhill to keep everyone busy. It was a successful day.
These are from last week. Love
This little pool I bought last summer!

Goodness.... what could he be plotting.....
Goodness.... what could he be plotting.....
We got new floors!! These are not it...
We went to an awesome park before lifetime on Friday. Here is jack enjoying a sandwich!
See any kids hanging in my legs?! Me either!!
New floors!!
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