
Showing posts from December, 2019

5 years

Mike and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary on the 27th! My parents graciously took both kids for TWO nights. TWO WHOLE GLORIOUS NIGHTS! We took the kids to ocean view and we went to Dover to check it out. It was really lovely to just have some us time as it has been wayyyy too long. The boys has an absolute blast on their weekend getaway. We got mostly good reviews but jack Did have some trouble sleeping. Not much of a surprise:/ but seriously thank you so much mom and dad!!!!! It was lovely.  Of course when we got there we had a third gift opening event for the kids.  Jack waiting for the big gift... a scooter!! Both boys got a scooter and helmet. 


Well Christmas has come and gone. I got the boys three gifts they can share and a couple other Small things. They loved it. What’s not to like?! They were pretty entertained all day with their new toys and they’ve been playing lots today as well. We had gigi, baba and Matt over for Christmas dinner and it  Was nice and low key! Both boys passed out after bath time. Tomorrow is our 5 year wedding anniversary! My parents and Kendall are taking the boys for TWO nights. We’ll bring them to ocean view then drive to Dover to do whatever the heck we feel like!! Can I just sleep for 48 hours?! Either way this is well overdue and I’m excited!!  I met them play with shaving cream in the bath... one of their favorites!

My babes

These twoooooo! I am so blessed I get to be with them day in and day out. The days are long AF but the years are flying by. Charlie will be two next month... what?! Christmas is fun with kids... jack has asked for one thing so far... walkie talkies... spider man walkie talkies to be exact. Then last night he was asking for a nerf gun (I’m a hard no on this one lately). I told him I don’t like them and he said “well maybe Santa can get it for me?” Oh crap haha he’s getting smarter...  Jack makes the “f” sound into a “sh” sound as he speaks. Today he was sitting with tommy, jack farts and he starts laughing and says “tommy, I sharted, hahaha, did you hear that??” 🤦🏼‍♀️ Sarah and I were crying 😂  Charlie is, thank goodness, adorable. He’s “talking” a lot. We are trying to get him to form actual words but it’s a work in progress. Cookie= ku ku. He will respond with a “yeah” which is hilarious (we’ll work on yes when the novelty has worn off). Charlie wants to do everything jack...


Waiting for the apple store for dad to be done.  There’s this new place in the mall that has experiments for kids and other STEM learning stuff. They had an open house- jack loved it... no surprise there. Charlie has lots to touch and throw... heaven for him.  Snack after life time. Charlie doing exactly what jack does. Alllllll the time. So cute.  Charlie stuck. This poor guy is trying so hard to communicate. HE “thinks” he is speaking clearly to us and has a certain plan in his mind of how something should go. When it doesn’t go that way he loooooses it. I feel bad because I can’t fault him for it because I imagine it’s very frustrating BUT you can’t be an asshole.... and throw your food. No sir. Aghhh 

Christmas tree

We got our Christmas tree this past Saturday. Second year going to cox farms- I feel like I can call that our tradition. Jack was pretty excited about it.  It’s cool he’s at the age to understand things! He helped decorate it and he seemed to love it! Of course he lost interest so I had to finish decorating it and... then I lost interest. Whatever, it’s half done.  Jack is learning about Christmas at school... the other day when I picked him up he was casually talking about baby Jesus...   then he stopped and said : “we don’t have a baby Jesus! We have a baby Char Char!” Um you are precious.  Jack is doing awesome being potty trained. We had an accident at target (seriously, there are worse places it could happen) but other than that he’s great. If we are in an unfamiliar place he’ll be like “I wanna go home and pee.. I’ll fall in this potty.” I just reassure him then literally hold him over the potty to pee. Whatever. Mom life.  When we drove around to get...