My babes
These twoooooo! I am so blessed I get to be with them day in and day out. The days are long AF but the years are flying by. Charlie will be two next month... what?! Christmas is fun with kids... jack has asked for one thing so far... walkie talkies... spider man walkie talkies to be exact. Then last night he was asking for a nerf gun (I’m a hard no on this one lately). I told him I don’t like them and he said “well maybe Santa can get it for me?” Oh crap haha he’s getting smarter...

Sarah has us over to make Christmas cookies

Jack makes the “f” sound into a “sh” sound as he speaks. Today he was sitting with tommy, jack farts and he starts laughing and says “tommy, I sharted, hahaha, did you hear that??” 🤦🏼♀️ Sarah and I were crying 😂
Charlie is, thank goodness, adorable. He’s “talking” a lot. We are trying to get him to form actual words but it’s a work in progress. Cookie= ku ku. He will respond with a “yeah” which is hilarious (we’ll work on yes when the novelty has worn off). Charlie wants to do everything jack does. Jack often looks out for Charlie but man the two can bicker in non-English! I was sick Tuesday (like throwing up sick)... pretty sure something I ate. I had to call out of work because I was just lethargic and nauseous all day. Woke up Wednesday feeling totally fine. Charlie drank a bunch of milk, ate some food, drank more milk then started coughing and vomited EVERYWHERE. We both just stood there like what in the heck just happened!? I didn’t even know where to begin with operation clean puke. Omg. I Made jack sit in the bathroom With the door closed because in the past when Charlie has thrown up jack nearly puked as well! Weak stomach? Anyways, Charlie seemed totally fine after. I spent the afternoon scrubbing vomit soooo it was fun!
Sarah has us over to make Christmas cookies
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