My birthday, etc.
My birthday has come and gone, I’m 32. It was a strange day. My friend Sarah organized a social distancing appropriate small gathering in front of the house to sing me happy birthday. It was so very sweet and I felt so loved. I was given some things to entertain the boys with šš¼ It was very thoughtful! Mike got me lots of fun stuff and we had a good day. I’ve been feeling sad and anxious and this whole quarantine thing just sucks. I feel helpless. Some moments it just hits me like a ton of bricks and other moments I’m fine. I think I’ve put off blogging because I feel dumb having these feelings and they feel selfish... there are people out there dying and getting really sick. And first responders and nurses/docs are putting their own lives at risk for these humans they don’t even know. But I think we all feel this way and it’s normal.

Mike was at work and Charlie got this pic and was naming himself and mike over and over.

We’ve thrown like 629 rocks in the streams around us.

Box races

Ice throwing

Beyblade battling (look at jack’s stance lol)

Birthday serenade

Anyways, the boys are doing amazing with all of
This change. Jack is somewhat understanding we need to stay away from people because of the germs... and Charlie does whatever jack does. Charlie is talking so much and they both are beasts on their scooters. Charlie takes a nap everyday and while he does jack and I will have some 1 on 1 fun together.
Mike was at work and Charlie got this pic and was naming himself and mike over and over.
We’ve thrown like 629 rocks in the streams around us.
Box races
Ice throwing
Beyblade battling (look at jack’s stance lol)
Birthday serenade
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