New normal? (For now)

This is day 7 of ?? that we have been “practicing social distancing.” Anyone that knows me well knows that staying home for long periods of time is not something I enjoy. I really do hate it. I always make sure the kids and I have plans each day. I can’t recall the last time I didn’t leave the house once. All things considered we are doing just fine. We made a schedule and have been doing LOTS of scooting and going on lots of walks. I even got in 10,000+ steps yesterday. The boys are beasts on their scooters. Jack can steer and stop with purpose and Charlie is fast AF. Like speed demon fast. No broken bones yet.. knock on wood. Mike took some pto this past week about a month ago just because. Just happened to be during this time so he was off for a week. He went back today and I’m pretty anxious about it. I don’t want anything to happen to him and I don’t want the virus coming home with him. He’s going to shower at work
And change his clothes before coming home 🤷🏼‍♀️ 

The boys are doing great. Jack was like “are the germs gone and can I see tommy?” It’s hard to explain and I feel so sad about it. When we are on a walk and see other kids he’s like ooh let’s go play! Sorry buddy 😢

We have awesome creeks and paths behind our house. 

We walked to my friend hollys house for a bit. She works with me at ciao. 

We saw Mia and kels for a little (mostly outside) and had a quick lunch. 

Pure joy on charlies face haha 


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