
Showing posts from January, 2021

Charlie is 3!

Our sweet char char is 3! We celebrated yesterday AND today. Yesterday he went to school and mike and I showed up near the end of the day with cupcakes for the kiddos. Of course we sang happy birthday to him as well. Then we went bowling! And played arcade games. Then got a chick fil a dinner. They had a blast and were EXHAUSTED. I was up a bunch that night getting sick soooo I canceled the little outdoor park party I had planned for today because I just couldn’t muster the strength. We had plans to come to Babcia and grandpa’s house for a couple days since mike works 3 days in a row so we made the drive to Delaware (I rallied) and played all afternoon long. The boys made their own pizzas for dinner and we had cupcakes for desert. Babcia and gpa got Charlie a BIKE for his birthday. Such a big boy! It was a really fun day:) and yes I’m feeling better... I shall Never order a salad from chick fil a ever again.  Just a boy with his blaster, tablet and drink for our post nap part of th...

Play date and school

[insert something about the new administration and hope for our country]. We got  Together with our friends that the boys play at life time with in their huge house (the mom, Leah, and I are friends - she takes my classes). Idk what I would do with that much space. How does one keep a big house clean? Who knows. Anyways, the kids played and ate lunch and we went on a walk. We were there for three hours. And didn’t have to  Break up any fights. It was really nice.  Jacks old school sent out another craft for us to pick up. Jack is meh about it but Charlie loves crafts! I’m working on his name with him and drawing people. I feel like that’s an important skill (where to put a nose/mouth, etc.).  I am 20 weeks today! Halfway!!!!! I had a very in depth scan today. She is in fact a she (!!!!) and looks great. My placenta is low so the doctor said I should take it easy and relax to  Give my body (placenta) time to adjust and move away from the cervix. I laughed. Sittin...


I’m up with a screaming Charlie saying “bel bel ow” (my belly hurts). So this is fun. Pregnant ladies don’t need sleep so everything’s fine. Jack feels better so the boys went back to school last week. Yay they love it and I get a little break so it’s a win win. Their teacher was like “oh my gosh whatever you’re doing with Charlie it’s working and it’s awesome. Keep it up.” I haven’t really changed anything lol but I do find he’s communicating much better lately. He turns 3 in two weeks! Crazy!  We went swimming at the indoor pool With Kels last sunday. Idk why we hadn’t been before. They LOVED it.  Fresh cut.  Charlie will not let us cut his hair sooooo...  Walking on the path behind our house. I can’t wait for spring- it’s soo gorgeous down here!