Play date and school

[insert something about the new administration and hope for our country]. We got Together with our friends that the boys play at life time with in their huge house (the mom, Leah, and I are friends - she takes my classes). Idk what I would do with that much space. How does one keep a big house clean? Who knows. Anyways, the kids played and ate lunch and we went on a walk. We were there for three hours. And didn’t have to Break up any fights. It was really nice. 

Jacks old school sent out another craft for us to pick up. Jack is meh about it but Charlie loves crafts! I’m working on his name with him and drawing people. I feel like that’s an important skill (where to put a nose/mouth, etc.). 

I am 20 weeks today! Halfway!!!!! I had a very in depth scan today. She is in fact a she (!!!!) and looks great. My placenta is low so the doctor said I should take it easy and relax to Give my body (placenta) time to adjust and move away from the cervix. I laughed. Sitting on my butt is not a way to earn money. I did agree to stop teaching doubles starting in February. The governor had us down to only 9 people in a class until 1/31 so hopefully he doesn’t extend it through February. Anyways, we compromised! 


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