
Showing posts from February, 2021

Other life happenings

Omg today was a high of 64 degrees. It was amazinggggggg. Life changing really. Bring it on, spring. We. Are. Ready. The boys have been doing so well with staying in their beds until their lights turn green. Knock on wood. I’m so proud of them. Every morning Charlie wake up excited shouting “geeen!!! Mama dada geeeen!!” I’ll take it. So to the treasure box we go. Once these treats are gone I’ll transition them to a sticker chart (3 stickers and you get a treat, then I’ll keep increasing the amount of stickers needed until I can phase it out altogether). Say what you will, it’s worth it to get some gosh darn sleep:) it’s life changing. I didn’t realize how much of a toll it was taking on me. Charlie seems to have increased his vocabulary over night and jack seems to have grown two inches. We saw our friend nori yesterday since the weather was so nice and saw Sarah, Tommy, Zoe and baby Penny today and played on their beautiful acre of land today. I was out of the house from 8:30am-4:30 p...

Baby #3 update

I’m 24.5 weeks today. I had an ultrasound last Wednesday and baby girl looks great, weighs 1.5 pounds and was super uncooperative. Her face was basically facing my spine the entire time so we didn’t get a picture of her sweet face. Or even her profile. That’s ok! If anything, a pregnant mom is super patient. I switched practices recently and they were SHOCKED I never had any initial blood work done so They took some. Turns out I’m anemic and my vitamin D levels are super low. I immediately went out and got the vitamins they told Me to and about a week later I  Finally don’t feel unbelievably lethargic. Thank goodness.  Here’s a picture of baby’s spine.  Charlie brushing my hair. I actually enjoyed it lol  We bought monopoly junior. It’s a HIT! 

More lately

Looks so old with his haircut! He loves basketballs so we got him two basketball shirts for his birthday which are huge now but he’ll be able to enjoy them for liiiiike 2 years.  My little leftie  Just laying next to their sister!  Omgggg Charlie has been a mess with sleeping. I constantly struggle with this because I know we all need sleep but if Mike has a 12 hour shift the next day I just go in there and calm him down so Mike can sleep. Then I don’t sleep and I’m upset and it’s just a struggle. Soooo anyways I bought a bunch of crap from the dollar tree and made a treasure box for the boys. Don’t wake me up and stay in your room until light is green and you get to pick one of the things from the treasure box. Charlie was like 10 minutes shy one morning, 20 the next. And this morning he did it! We made a HUGE deal about it obviously. And he got his treasure box prize. 28 days means a habit so whatever let’s goooooo. Good job buddy!  A fan favorite: gather every pil...

School and photo dump

We had some nice weather last week (or was it 1.5 weeks ago?) I’m not sure. So we got to the park and rode bikes.  Charlie hiding from jack. He was so proud of himself for being so clever lol.  Blippi doll from Babcia Colton gave Charlie these gloves that light up for his birthday.  He got a haircut like four days later. After much coaxing and bribing and discussing such a thing he was just like ok. Yep. And he did it!  Car wash  I usually read them two books then they both fall asleep together and I move Charlie. Idk why I do it that way but the end result is two sleeping children so who cares?  Piñata for Valentine’s Day at school  All he wanted was this “kaka” ball (soccer ball) in exchange for a haircut. He did so well!