
Showing posts from March, 2021

Some school pics and lately

I turned 33 last week. I decided to get my hair done. So I told this girl to have fun and I like what I ended up with! I feel it makes me look a tad less tired all of the time 😂🤰. The boys are on spring break this week so we’re doing lots of outside play and spending time with Colton and Jess. They move in a month and we’re REALLY going to miss them.  Charlie was very proud of himself with this fancy move.  ❤️ New hair  Boys watching dad try and get tadpoles  We (finally!!!) went to Gigi and babas. It was so lovely to see them. Matt and Ericka came too with nylah!  Easter egg hunt at school  Charlie filled up his sticker chart at school for not having any accidents and earned bubbles!  So proud of himself for standing on his bike seat lol 

More lately

Can’t come up with a more exciting title, sorry. So Charlie is potty trained. And I only tried/assisted a little. He’s great at telling us or just going on his own. This past Sunday I had off and so did Mike so we went to Kelsey’s house to let the kids play and we made dinner. It was so nice. Kelsey’s inlaws are vaccinated now so they’re loosening up a little and seeing us. So exciting:) we are trying our damn best to find a house but the market is absolutely bonkers here.... It’s not even worth typing anymore about.  Our friends/neighbors are putting their house on the market tomorrow and I’m going to miss them... jack saw the sign in front of their house and he was like “awwww is Colton not living here anymore?” SUCKS. They’ll be here until May so that’s good. Colton brought them green cupcakes for st. Patrick’s day and Charlie ended up with a green beard. Not surprised.  Colton came in the other day to watch a show so Jess could get some packing/cleaning done. I wanted to l...


Charlie has been crushing it potty training. He went to school Wednesday and Friday and did GREAT! No accidents. He also woke up this morning and yesterday with a dry diaper having to pee (before his light turned green). It’s a slippery slope... liiiiike I don’t want him getting up early to pee but we talk about not wearing/peeing in a diaper. Idk 🤷🏼‍♀️  My parents and kels/her crew came over yesterday for dinner/play time. Charlie and jack were soooo into Remi for like the first time ever. They were making her laugh and playing with her. Jack this morning said “I love remi” usually it’s “why does remi come too?” 😂 they’re going to be awesome with their sister.  I’m 27 weeks pregnant AF. Next week marks the beginning of my third and final trimester being pregnant. That’s exciting.  Charlie fell asleep on the couch in three different positions the other day. (1).  2 3 The weather has been gorgeous this week.  My mom took them down the path behind our house....