More lately

Can’t come up with a more exciting title, sorry. So Charlie is potty trained. And I only tried/assisted a little. He’s great at telling us or just going on his own. This past Sunday I had off and so did Mike so we went to Kelsey’s house to let the kids play and we made dinner. It was so nice. Kelsey’s inlaws are vaccinated now so they’re loosening up a little and seeing us. So exciting:) we are trying our damn best to find a house but the market is absolutely bonkers here.... It’s not even worth typing anymore about. 

Our friends/neighbors are putting their house on the market tomorrow and I’m going to miss them... jack saw the sign in front of their house and he was like “awwww is Colton not living here anymore?” SUCKS. They’ll be here until May so that’s good. Colton brought them green cupcakes for st. Patrick’s day and Charlie ended up with a green beard. Not surprised. 

Colton came in the other day to watch a show so Jess could get some packing/cleaning done. I wanted to lay down for a couple soooo that’s how I accomplish that task. TV. 

We went out to lunch the other day. Pretty sure it was the first time they sat down in a restaurant in... months. They did great. In the Early pandemic nandos gave Mike a stack of coupons so we ALL ate our own meals for $15. What?! They’re HUGE supporters of front line workers so we like them. We went back yesterday and paid full price so... full circle. 


Green beard boy. 


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