Last week of school

Aww this was our last week of school. It was such a great 9 months and we did it safely and no one got covid. I’m proud of our little learning pod for keeping kids home when they weren’t feeling well and being open and honest about everything. I can’t believe how well the year went and how much the boys learned. Truly amazing. We will miss the school! The kids got to do water play on Wednesday and we had a pizza/ice cream Party on Friday to celebrate. 

I had Quinn’s follow up for her bilirubin levels on Friday as well and she gained 4.4 ounces and her levels went down! The doctor was SO lovely and encouraging to me. She basically said I’m doing a great job and I should be proud of myself for all I’m doing for Quinn. Sometimes ya just need to Hear that, and it was really sweet. It’s like she knew I could just use that boost of confidence. I love our pediatrician office. They’re all awesome. Anywaysssss. 

Jack not feeling the cap and gown LOL 


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