Boys and Quinn

Update: the boys tested out for their white belts in tae kwon do on Tuesday. It is awesome to see them have something they are proud of and can take ownership of. And the master is a master of discipline so that’s amazing too. He doesn’t take any crap. Mike also worked Tuesday so I took the kids to a play place because it was also rainy allllll day. On Thursday we went to the pool and Jack decided it was time to take his swim test and he nailed it! Then Thursday we had our well check ups for jack and Charlie. Jack is in the 93 percentile for his BMI and Charlie in the 99th percentile sooooo we’re gonna change up their diet a bit. Charlie also has a heart murmur now so the doc wants us to see a cardiologist. Great. Quinn is doing great. I put her to nap in her bassinet yesterday and she gave us a nice two hour nap (I had to wake her). She’s giving me 5-6 hour stretches at night and she is sooooo loved. We have family coming in town starting Tuesday then we head to the beach for a glorious beach week with a million kids. Can’t wait! 

Oh! And jack is riding a two wheeler bike! He was ready to lose the training wheels and he just picked it up right away. It was a really big week for him and Charlie. 

Having a third tiny human has been a somewhat easy transition. It’s fresh in your mind and you know the phase is temporary. Maybe I just feel this way because she is my last and our family is complete. Idk ask me in a couple months 😂

On Father’s Day Mike went golfing and to get beers with his dad and brother. We hit up the pool and my sweet friend Molly was there to help me with the kids. They got along amazingly. 

Passed the test!! 

He’s doing really well on his bike too! 

Charlie saw jack do his hearing test (raising his hand) and they don’t make the 3 year olds do the hearing test. So while she was taking his blood pressure he was raising his hand 😂😂

We went to a early birthday party this morning. 9-10:45 and it was a really nice way to start the morning! 


  1. Never a dull moment in the O’Neill house. What a sweet family!


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