
Showing posts from August, 2021

Out and about

Everytime I go to blog I’m like what the heck did we even do this week? So I just load a bunch of pics and then caption them.  Boy loves sports. Pickle bock and bababew are two of his favorites (pickle ball and basketball obviously).  Pool without jack. When we pick him up he always asks what we did. We said went to the pool and he says: stop doing fun stuff without me guys!  Holy cuteness  Babcia gave Jack some $$. He’s supppper excited about it.  His school had pizza movie night in the gym. It was great but Charlie was over it like 45 mins into it. And so was Quinn. So we dipped and I let them finish the movie at home.  On Saturday Jess had us (incl. Maia/nori/Chris/lottie) over for crabs! They were soooooooo good. 

First day of kindergarten

Annnnnd there he goes! First day of kindergarten has come and gone. He did great leaving and seemed excited and maybe a tiny bit nervous. He was so ready for this. Mike and I only cried a little bit. After we dropped him off we went to the boo-hoo breakfast for all the kindergarten parents. The PTA is suuuuper active at the school which I love. Obviously we joined. The day went by quickly and we all went to get him. He said it was a good day, didn’t have any ketchup for his chicken nuggets (he wanted to try school lunch- which is free for everyone). He also said his mask was itchy (I hate you, masks!!). At dinner he confessed that he wasn’t participating in the activity at pe and the teacher asked if he was tired and he said yes. Spoiler alert: he was actually not tired. Just didn’t want to do it. Last night I said good night my kindergarten boy! And he said goodnight college girl 😂 we were both cracking up.  Charlie has been fine with this HUGE transition. So far so good! He says...