Quinn is half a year old (as of yesterday)! She’s adorable and the boys/we love her. I’m trying reallllly hard to get her on a schedule. I’ve been trying to be patient as we transition to our new house and letting her get used to it so this week (liiiiike 5 days ago) I’ve been having to retrain her for naps. I read her a book, sing a song and put her down awake. She went from 10-15 mins crying down to 1 minute today. But only for her first nap. The second she was pissed. I’ve gotta Nail down her wake times. Lemme just add it to my list of things I need to worry about and obsess over. Quinn is loving food, loves pizza crust and anything she can just gnaw on. I can entertain her in the high chair for a good 20 minutes while I try and get something done and she loves to watch the boys. She likes to play in her gym and can chill for a good 10-15 mins rolling all around the floor. But when she’s done she’s DONE. And it’s super hard to get anything done as she is obsessed with me. Life ...