Ricketts and butallas in town!

Long story short… Quinn got sick then Charlie threw up and passed a stomach bug to myself and a bunch of family visiting from MN. It was terrible and Christmas was crazy this year with. On a lighter note we had a wonderful first Christmas morning at our new house. We played with toys from 6:30am-noon. Nonstop. It was awesome to have the room and yard to do so and not worry about being too loud that early in our townhouse. Yay! 

Anyways the Ricketts and butallas came in town last Tuesday so as soon as they got here we got right down to some playing. Quinn developed a runny nose along with a cough last week so Monday I took her to the doc to get looked at. They did a rapid test on her which came back negative. Ears and lungs clear so she’s just got a bad cold. I informed Meg and Kate about this and they were all fine seeing us. I can’t believe it became a stomach bug we ended up passing on. Ok so we saw them Tuesday then Charlie threw up that night so we didn’t see them Wednesday. On Thursday everyone came over to our house where we did some good park play and cooked everyone dinner. Fun times! 

Sick baby 

Lots of showers to get her runny nose clear!



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