
Showing posts from January, 2022

A long ass week

Neither kids can go to school until February 2 and we had to quarantine all week so it was a long one! Neither boy had any symptoms since last Saturday so I think it’s safe to say we’re on the mend? I feel like everything is a crap shoot and new “rules” come out all the time.  Quinn was grabbing at her ears. Like a lot. So I did get her ears checked and they were a tiny bit red so they said to start her on antibiotics anyways. It’s been a couple days and she’s not grabbing them anymore sooo that’s good!  There was one day (Tuesday? I don’t really know) that I was EXHAUSTED. Like dizzy exhausted. So I sent the boys with their tablets to jacks bed and Quinn and I napped. (Survival mode). Ask me if I feel bad.  I was desperate to gtfo so we went in the woods and found an ice pit. It was a hit. A great find.  Charlie’s snack choices  Looking so much better!  Grandpa came by with Charlie’s birthday presents.  Serious nerf battles have gone done!  New j...

Covid diaries

This is how our Saturday started: From left to right: jack, Charlie, Quinn and me.  Quinn had cold symptoms all last week. Tested negative on Tuesday. Jack felt feverish Friday around 2/3 and wasn’t acting himself. Then Charlie felt a little warm Friday evening. I felt nauseous and threw up. I was having flashbacks from Christmas time 😬 that night Quinn woke up around 2am HOTTTTTT. I’ve never felt a fever so warm from any of my kids. I ended waking up mike because she was scaring me. We doubled up on ibuprofen and Tylenol and got her fever down. It was a scary night..  anyways, my sweet friend Sarah brought us over some at home tests and sure as shit the kids were positive. I’m gonna assume mine was a false negative because I did not feel well. Mike of course worked Saturday and Sunday. My mom and dad were in town and my dad woke up Saturday feeling tired and he had a runny nose so he tested himself. Positive. So my mom threw on a mask and grabbed some groceries for us and th...

8 months old!

Quinn is 8 months old (yesterday). She still loves: watching her brothers, crawling, pulling herself to stand, down dog, playing with alllll the toys, “talking,” bath time, and food. She gets ultra excited when I hand her a crunchy veggie stick to gnaw on. She’s got two teeth and I’m sure there’s more on the way! She’s got a bit of a cold and the nights have been rough for her (me). Hoping that ends soon. Love you sweet angel!  Mike dressed her.  Jacks first virtual day was today because it was supposed to “snow.”  jack was so excited about it and came into our room at 5:50 holding his computer confused why no one was on zoom. Dude, you’ve got like 5 hours until the 10:30 start time.  I appreciate his teacher getting them amped about it and he did a really good job on the computer clicking all the right stuff and even was able to get himself into the zoom meeting. The teachers were engaging but man what a ridiculous thing. I’m so glad he wasn’t in kindergarten last y...