A long ass week
Neither kids can go to school until February 2 and we had to quarantine all week so it was a long one! Neither boy had any symptoms since last Saturday so I think it’s safe to say we’re on the mend? I feel like everything is a crap shoot and new “rules” come out all the time. Quinn was grabbing at her ears. Like a lot. So I did get her ears checked and they were a tiny bit red so they said to start her on antibiotics anyways. It’s been a couple days and she’s not grabbing them anymore sooo that’s good! There was one day (Tuesday? I don’t really know) that I was EXHAUSTED. Like dizzy exhausted. So I sent the boys with their tablets to jacks bed and Quinn and I napped. (Survival mode). Ask me if I feel bad. I was desperate to gtfo so we went in the woods and found an ice pit. It was a hit. A great find. Charlie’s snack choices Looking so much better! Grandpa came by with Charlie’s birthday presents. Serious nerf battles have gone done! New j...