Covid diaries
This is how our Saturday started:

From left to right: jack, Charlie, Quinn and me.

Fort making while I was asleep!

From left to right: jack, Charlie, Quinn and me.
Quinn had cold symptoms all last week. Tested negative on Tuesday. Jack felt feverish Friday around 2/3 and wasn’t acting himself. Then Charlie felt a little warm Friday evening. I felt nauseous and threw up. I was having flashbacks from Christmas time 😬 that night Quinn woke up around 2am HOTTTTTT. I’ve never felt a fever so warm from any of my kids. I ended waking up mike because she was scaring me. We doubled up on ibuprofen and Tylenol and got her fever down. It was a scary night..
anyways, my sweet friend Sarah brought us over some at home tests and sure as shit the kids were positive. I’m gonna assume mine was a false negative because I did not feel well. Mike of course worked Saturday and Sunday. My mom and dad were in town and my dad woke up Saturday feeling tired and he had a runny nose so he tested himself. Positive. So my mom threw on a mask and grabbed some groceries for us and they came on over. And thank god they did. I got to sleep and the kids were entertained by the grandparents. The boys didn’t have appetites but we were able to get some fruit and bread down their throats. Quinn slept a bunch on whoever and so did I… in my bed. Praise be for my parents and their willingness to help. I don’t think I would have made it through Saturday without them. Boys work up Sunday feeling almost back to normal. No fevers for them at all yesterday and they ate a little better. Quinn’s super high fevers seem to be gone. She was up most of the night seeming pretty uncomfortable so I had a doc look at her ears and listen to her lungs. Lungs fine and ears just a tiny bit red so doc gave me an rx I can fill tomorrow if we have another crap night.
I had to report Charlie’s Covid to his school and they’re closing for 10 days. I wish I hadn’t said anything but I was trying to do the right thing. It feels really shitty.
Takeaways: I’m so glad we’re on the mend. The boys seemed unphased and it passed through them suuuuper quickly. I’m glad we had mild cases. Yay for antibodies?
Here’s a bunch of pics of a sick looking Quinn.
Fort making while I was asleep!
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