Check ups for Quinn and Charlie went great. Doctor said they both are where they should be and Charlie’s bmi curve has started to trend slightly down rather than up so we did a good job making a couple changes to his diet to help with that. Charlie weighs 45 pounds and Quinn 18. Charlie took 3 shots like a CHAMPION and Quinn had just one. Mike had 4 days off in a row so the kids got to spend lots of time with him. Big girl!! She was psyched to sit in this cart with Charlie. A fan favorite: connect 4 Charlie loves basketball. He’s constantly saying “wanna play ball hoop??” The big patio out front is perfect for it. Notice the shorts? It was 75 one day last week. A little taste of spring! Look at this reaction Charlie had from one of his shots. Holding her bottle like a champ. She’s doing great with formula. Thank goodness. I love being done breastfeeding.