9 months old
Quinnie is 9 months old! She and Charlie have checkups tomorrow so we shall see just how much she has grown! Quinn is pulling up on everything and is trying so hard to follow her brothers as much as she can. She’s discovered the stairs and can successfully climb up them. She loves food and gets really excited when I put her in her chair and deliver said food. She’s got a solid appetite. Last night was the first night I didn’t breast feed her in the middle of the night. A little sad for me since she’s my very last baby but our breastfeeding is almost at an end. I’ve gone from pumping 6 times a day to just once and I feel so relieved and less stressed. She doesn’t seem to care/notice she’s now drinking formula but since I don’t exactly breastfeed her during the day I didn’t think she’d care. She’s chatty and is almost able to do “how big is Quinn?! Soo big.”
Also… Charlie’s school is closed for another TEN days because one of his classmates tested positive. To say we’re frustrated is an understatement. Even the health department says test at 5 days and if negative then it’s fine. Can’t we do that and move on with life? Nope, makes tooo much sense. Luckily they are giving us a break on our March tuition since the kids would have been in school for a total of 5 days in the month of February.
And also again… did I mention mike and I are going on a vacation just the two of us?! We’ll we are, we leave March 11!!!!!

Tiny newborn hat 😢

Cute jacket from Jenny

Charlie earned a gosh a LOOOONG time ago and he kept bringing it up soooo here’s the damn fish. Its name is Shark.

Tiny newborn hat 😢
Cute jacket from Jenny
Charlie earned a gosh a LOOOONG time ago and he kept bringing it up soooo here’s the damn fish. Its name is Shark.
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