
Mike works weekends and sometimes they just feel ultra long being the only adult around. But we have fun no matter what! 

This is from last Thursday. My friend had some leftover green bagels from saint patty’s day and Quinn was INTO them. Also into her feet. 

The boys showed her how to climb up a slide. She can get to the top. 

I love this little stance she has. She does it a lot 

My dad came by on Saturday. Also not pictured: we went swimming at the pool at LT. Yes I took three kids swimming. Dumb or brilliant? Idk. 

On Monday i walked with Quinn in the stroller with Charlie’s bike to get him from school and we ran into my friend Taylor and her big ass dog on the way home. She walked with us home and Quinn was INTO her dog. No fear. 

We did a chalk obstacle course in front of our house. Then Charlie drew a line from our house to the school park lol. He said “me workin so hard.” It was quite the endeavor but the idea is that you run along the line to school. 


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