
Showing posts from April, 2022


Mike still broken. It’s been a week. It feels like three. Get better soon!  Saturday was a busy day! Life time then off to warrenton to visit Jess and Colton! We first went to his baseball game. The boys were so excited to see a “real baseball game.” And Colton didn’t know we were coming so he was super excited. The boys helped themselves to the post game snack too. Idk if they deserved it but there were extra 🤷🏼‍♀️ I really need to get them into sports. How tf am I going to grab Jack from school, get enough energy out of him to do a practice of some sort, take three kids to an hour long practice then come home, eat dinner and then get everyone bathed and to bed on time. But I want then in stuff. Helllllp.  Hanging in their backyard  Big girl!  We stopped by effys, a really popular ice cream spot. Tried to hide it from Quinn but she had a couple licks!  They are maybe 1/3 of it. I wish they had a kid size! Hugging her baby  On Sunday we had Kelsey and her...

Broken dad

Mike hurt his back lifting a 35lb kettlebell. He heard a pop and then was on the floor for about three hours. Gigi came to the rescue to help. I think this was on Wednesday. Gigi came to keep the peace and talk some sense into mike to make a doctors appointment. We found one for Thursday and off we went. He got some good meds and was told he needed pt. He’s moving a little better today but man, what a week. Poor guy.  Babcia is in town and came to help with char/q while I took mike to his doc appt  New legos from Babcia ! D aa

11 months old

Wtf Quinn is 11 months old. The year has truly flown by. Mike doesn’t agree but I feel like I just had her a month ago. She’s taken two steps but doesn’t seem anywhere near actually walking. She just face plants each time she tries. She loves to eat (she seems to be forming opinions about certain foods but I hope she stays a good eater), she likes stroller rides, being outside, chasing after her brothers, MOM. She loves a good swing ride and crawling around playgrounds. She still tries to eat every single piece of mulch so im hoping that ends soon! She hums herself to sleep which is slightly adorable. She seems to be drinking less milk and eating more food…. Only one more month of buying formula, yay!  This is right after she woke up from her TWO AND A HALF hour nap. 


“This is the best Easter ever!” -Jack I got them Easter baskets and hid them around the house and gave them clues as to where they were. Then they got two gifts they could each share together. They had a great morning. I usually teach my class at 10:30 but had the morning off so we went to church for the first time since covid. There was an Easter egg hunt after with 4,000 eggs soooo that was also enticing. They LOVED the egg hunt and made out like bandits. Then we had Gigi and baba over for a delish dinner. Burgers, potatoes and bean salad. I had an impossible burger and OMG. Yum. Everyone passed out quickly and slept in.  Donuts beforehand.  Raise your hand if you’re ready!  Countdown    Just holding this squat position for a while.  I do exist! The face behind the blog  I love our yard and our house.  Protesting the diaper change.  Snuggle bunnies. Charlie has been calling her sweetheart and it’s adorable. Also, today in the car after scho...